Man Falls as they Rise
Human sexuality has been convoluted into something bankrupt of spirituality. The act of sex in the spiritual context is an exchange of energy, the male principle sharing masculine (physical revitalising) energy to the female principle and the female principle reciprocating with femenine (emotionally revitalising) energy. This is only possible when both parties are having sex with some level of green chakra activation.
This type of sexual intercourse is rare, the majority of sexual experiences being focused purely on male ejaculation. This is is essence the same kind of sex most mammals have and does not utilise the energetic, spiritual abilities of the evolved human being.
Our typical sexual practices are a wider reflection of society. Our western society (being for the most part spiritually bankrupt) does not acknowledge the female orgasm or the female sexual experience for the most part- only acknowledging the male reproductive aspect.
This type of sexual interaction is maintained because of two reasons. One of them being in order to keep the spirituality of the population low. If sexuality is made more equal and women are a more central part of the experience, there will be an increase in collective human intuition. This makes for bad wage-slaves.
Another reason is rampant chakra blockage and imbalance. How spiritual sexual energy transfers work is sexual energy moves upwards through all of the chakras into the green chakra and resonates with the partners green chakra. If there is blockage in one the three chakras before it reaches the green, sexual energy will be stuck there. This creates a metaphysical phenomenon where a person will have an insatiable urge to have sex to clear this blockage and move the energy upwards. This insatiable desire for sex is really a desire for green chakra sexual energy activation being strongly attempted by the body. The unaware male mind interprets this as a constant desire for orgasm.
There can really only be blockage of this type in the yellow and orange chakra. Red chakra blockage will likely result in no sexual energy being generated to start, as this is the foundation of this energy in the body.
The Feminine Result
This yellow and orange chakra imbalance has made the female sexual experience commonly one which neglects their needs. It is the natural order of the cosmos for the female energy to be one which receives and the male energy to be one which radiates. If male sexuality is reduced to insatiable urges to have orgasm, the female sexual experience will be as a consequence a dull affair.
This is what we see today, although there are exceptions of course. Even with blockage a male can bring the female to a clitoral ejaculation-type orgasm and satiate her needs on some level. This is not quite an energy transfer and it may be found whilst this is not achieved, there may be some level of dissatisfaction after sex.
Through energy transfer, a woman has far easier access to penetrative orgasm- an indication of a successful and skilful spiritual transfer of energy. Women are all different and some do not need a spiritual energy transfer to reach penetrative orgasm- however as the male principle, energy should be radiated in service to that which receives. Creating a mutual exchange of energy should be the function of sex for anyone pursuing spiritual understanding and the idea of reproductive ejactulation should be put in its proper place; that being for reproduction. I
Tantric yoga approaches and investigates a lot of these concepts however there is very little taught in terms of clearing the energy centers in order to create an easy flow of sexual energy upwards. If the lower three chakras are balanced in both parties, the tantric yoga practices slowly become basically unnecessary as green energy transfer will be easily approached.
It should also be noted that the female party needs to be clear and balanced in her lower three chakras, otherwise she may find her male counterpart struggling to maintain his own green chakra activation. During sex, if both parties have their chakras unlocked, there becomes a energetic interaction between bodies. Interestingly, if the male principle is struggling to reach their heart center, the female principle can still easily stay in the heart center patiently waiting. If the female principle however struggles to stay in their heart center, the male principle will usually have a slightly harder time. This may result in the male principle (if biologically male) resorting to random energy release (premature ejaculation), as they cannot give this energy to their partner. I must note at this time, semen is the physically manifested form of sexual energy. Hence why when released, the sexual energy is no longer present.
Where to Start?
The best way to start in attempting spiritual energy transfers, is first balancing and clearing the lower chakras- as is the case before attempting anything metaphysical. These lower blockages will interrupt every spiritual ability you have if left unchecked. A useful balancing strategy using crystals can be found here.
Following that, tantric yoga should be investigated to give an introduction. After this is practiced and the flow of sexual energy is better understood, you should be able to work towards spiritual sexual energy transfers without guides.
The main thing for men to remember is to abandon ejaculation for a proper sexual spiritual experience. Men can have orgasm without releasing semen, and it is in coordination with the female orgasm. Sex if done with the intention of spiritual exploration, becomes a journey of understanding divinity through the instrument of multiple orgasms. This is explored in detail in tantric sex texts (I recommend Manak Chia).