Psychic defense: the art of preventing negative energy from influencing your vibration or field through protection magic or mental fortitude. How do we protect ourselves from negative energy, be it from a person or negative entity?
Firstly, operating from a mental state of self empowerment is by far the most efficient and reliable way to protect yourself from any kind of negative influence on your mind. The feeling of disempowerment towards negative forces is in a sense an act of surrender. Your free will is a part of cosmic law!
The above being said, in some situations those temptations can be a nuisance, especially if you want to meditate or do ceremonial work. Not to substitute mental and inner growth, there are rituals which can protect and raise the vibration of a space to make it more sacred.
One of the most practiced and quite powerful ways to do this in the Western tradition is the ‘Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram’ from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Perhaps the largest and most recognised magical organisation in the Western World, this order studies principles of occult sciences and the magic of Hermes. They draw much knowledge from both ancient and secret systems of Egyptian magic and the very old wisdom of Quabalistic Rabbis.
This ritual calls upon the energy of Archangels and elements in a circle of light around you to prevent the entering of any lower vibrational forms into a space. Practicing magicians in the Golden Dawn almost always preform this ritual before attempting any magic to keep the mind and space as pure as possible.
The Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram:
“Take a steel dagger, knife or wand in the right hand and face east.
Touch your forehead and say Atoh (thou art)
Touch your chest and say Malkuth (the Kingdom)
Touch your right shoulder and say “ve-Geburah (and the power)
Touch the left shoulder and say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory)
Clasp your hands in the center of the chest and say le Olahm (forever). Hold the dagger, point upwards, in clasped hands and say Amen (so be it).
Facing East make a very large invoking pentagram as shown using your knife, wand or dagger. When completed thrust the point of the dagger to the center of the pentagram and vibrate the Deity name YHVH (Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh), imagining that your voice carries the vibration to the East of the Universe.
Hold the dagger/wand out in front of you and move to the south. Trace the pentagram there and vibrate the Deity name Adonai.
Go to the West, make a large pentagram again and vibrate Eheieh.
Go to the North, make a large pentagram again and vibrate Agla.
Return to the East, always completing your circle by bringing the dagger to the imagined center of the first Pentagram.
Now stand with arms outstretched in the form of a Cross and say:
Before me, Raphael (Rah-phah-ale)
Behind me, Gabriel (Gah-bree-ale)
On my right, Michael (Mee-chah-ale)
On my left, Auriel (Or-ree-ale)
Now say, before me flames the Pentagram.
Behind me shines the Six-Rayed Star
Again make the Qabalistic Cross as in the beginning.”
– Israel Regardie, The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic