The Energetic Ball and Chain of Doubt

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Photo by Robel Wondimu

Manifestation Series: Releasing Doubt Programming and Expanding Belief Systems

As we attempt to better empower ourselves to exert a conscious command over our reality, or at least better influence and direct the flow of events along the natural processes of time, we often find the greatest obstacle in the conversion from thought to the physical is the energetic ball-and-chain we may call doubt.

Our waking mind has been meticulously programmed to limit the realm of possibility to what can be logically conceived through the problem-solving faculties of the brain. So, it is intrinsically paradoxical for this problem-solving function to have the capability of driving itself into the realm of the unknown. This is not a limitation, but a function of this aspect of the mind, and a very useful one at that which offers a consistent grounding.

It is however to the detriment of the human experience to live an experience entirely guided by the possibilities afforded only to that which may be logically calculated to be possible or indeed appropriate in consideration of the experiences, memories and biases which formulate the ego and personality.

The process of the intuitive imagination, daring to dream of a reality beyond the realm of the known and the rational brain (functioning as it should) disassembles the idea into a series of probability-possibility concepts, thereby completely arresting the potential of the human soul may be considered the vague and illusive process of self-doubt.

Self doubt, is therefor not merely the issue of not believing in oneself, but a fundamental imbalance of cognitive activity, where the rational mind overexerts its authority over the human experience, muting the minds intuitive function.

It is in my personal estimation, that human civilization has been carefully and meticulously groomed to have this chronic cognitive imbalance to allow for a more frictionless enslavement. This happens through manipulations which go as deep as formulating languages, influencing holy texts, directing educational curriculums, subliminal messaging through media and even direct manipulation of the human genome to name a few examples.

Reclaiming Power Through the Principle of Free Will

Fortunately however, as is the case with all injustices which prevail, it may only succeed through trickery and may be completely negated and reversed by intelligently utilising that primordial cosmic law which we understand to be the principle of free fill.

The exercise is simple: As if you are entirely delusional, you must completely and genuinely believe in that which your intuition imagines and dreams. The most common limiting belief is one’s financial situation- however on an energetic level the financial situation is entirely irrelevant. The only relevance of one’s finances is the effect it has on the mind in its conceptualization of what is and isn’t possible. It is perhaps the most common and effective mechanism of doubt in existence, especially as the older feudal systems of class have now been more or less dismantled. Those who are unburdened and unbothered by this irrelevant and circumstantial “data” are better able to utilize their intuitive mind- the only useful aspect of the mind when creating and influencing the world around you.

There are some people born into this world who’s sole talent is the ability to exercise this technique of delusion, which very directly translates into power. Seemingly by luck, they find themselves able to manifest extraordinary circumstances, finding far more success than their seemingly more gifted (and often spiteful) contemporaries.

Delusional Belief as a Manifestation Tool

We call this a technique of delusion as it is one thing to believe in oneself, it is another thing altogether to completely believe that which both does not exist and henceforth has shown no sign of appearing to be very real.

As this technique of delusion is continually practiced, the boundaries of real and imagined become blurred. Many will view this as a deterioration of the mind, however we find reality is without exception, a direct consequence of what is imagined. To exist in a cognitive state where your desired reality is believed to be real, is the act of using the mechanisms of free will to create. This is a power inherent to every instance of intelligence in existence throughout the known cosmos and a power which has been lost to time in our world.

This utilisation of free will, will negate and override any powers working in contradiction to this directive down to the subatomic level. We often see so-called miracles which utilise this basic process of free will to perform unexplainable feats of bodily regeneration, for example. So while the systems of programming are numerous, the reversal of the effect these systems have had on the body and mind are instantaneously reversible.

Embracing a Balanced Mindset

The above is not to denounce the faculties of the rational mind, as without this one could very easily slip beyond conscious delusion into the realm of unconscious insanity. It is skilful to temper this cognitive function, so that it only presents itself in logistical and mechanical situations.