The fifth chakra of your body, often called the ‘throat chakra’ or vishuddha in Sanskrit is known as the chakra of communication. It is not only for communication however, this chakra is where the wisdom of the cosmos may be found and you can interact with it to enhance your own perception as well. 

This chakra is first and foremost the seat of wisdom. Wisdom may be called clarity in other words. Clarity is the perception of truth without bias and full of complete acceptance. You may liken this to a truly objective and thus higher perception. The biases that we have actually reduce the amount of information we can receive from the information around us. Think of a very bigoted person when it comes to other cultures, and how truly they reside in ignorance. We all reside in relative ignorance of everything which we cannot totally accept and see with clarity. 

So what does this have to do with communication? Honesty is clarity which comes from within. Honesty and expression of self with clarity is the foundation of being able to perceive that which is outside yourself with clarity. Being dishonest, is in essence a mechanism of not accepting your own true self without bias. This lays a shaky foundation for your perception, for you then look outside yourself through the lense of this perception of self. 

For example, let us say you lie and say you did not take a cookie from a jar, when you in fact did. This lack of accepting your own actions, now influences your perception of theft. You deny the truth of theft and in your perception you will be unable to see theft for what it is. You are unable to face the reality of taking from another without permission and thus you lack wisdom on this particular aspect of reality. If left unchecked this will go on and you will see other acts of petty theft in a similar way. Above all else, in your denial of your actions you deny yourself information

He who is fully responsible, accountable and honest and admits to theft, knows what theft is and does not deny it in their subconscious. This is not judgement or even saying theft is wrong. It is facing the reality of what theft is: taking from another without permission, this is what I have done. There is no denial or delusion in the perception of reality. The perception is clear with what you have done and the perception is clear when regarding those who do the same. This approach will allow for more information about reality to be available to your consciousness. The total sum of this information is wisdom. 

Honesty is merely a clarity of self expression. This leads to a clarity of perception outside the self. The man who denies himself first, denies everything around him second.

That honesty in your expression is the best way to nourish your blue chakra, and this can be done in any way which is authentic. Everyone is extremely unique, so you will find that this clarity or honesty of expression can take many forms. Maybe you like talking, writing, drawing or singing. Self expression is you projecting your essence outwards in any way, as long as it is true and authentic. 

The higher and higher your level of blue chakra activation is, the more clarity of perception you will have access to with regards to yourself and things around you. After a certain point you will be able to operate with a complete understanding of everything that you are and once this happens you will gain clarity on your role in this context you have chosen to exist in. Expressing this authentically and consciously is perhaps the ultimate honesty. 

This paves the way to seeing the grand mosaic around you. Now you have a clarity of self, which creates a clarity of others and you may look at it all simultaneously with clarity and objectivity. This allows for a perception and access to information which approaches a more cosmic level. This also creates a clarity of interactions, events, emotions, environment and things

After a certain point your clarity will give you access to information beyond the perception of your brain’s own logical faculties. An existential understanding of everything around you which allows for a perception unbound by the strictures of time. I would not quite call this clairvoyance, but an intuitive knowing of what creates what and how that gets there. Flashes of this may occur throughout our lives and this is called ‘inspiration’, but a trained blue chakra calls on inspiration as a part of his perception. This is all merely wisdom. 

This is one of the many things which the human body, mind and spirit may do and nourish after awakening. The blue chakra starts with communication, honesty and self expression, then continues with wisdom without end.